
古物商許可番号 神奈川県公安委員会 第451420004962号


We are keeping the collection of Dr. Harada who passed away.
Basically, the oil in cylinders and on all the slides are stuck due to aging, but it will work again. Some expensive models are stored in glass cases and are in mint condition.As for the BR03 (DB spec.), it comes complete with details and changing it to DR spec. Some engins has original box and original illustrations. All models were assembled by the late Chairman Suzuki (YLSC Chairman), so I don't think there will be any problems. If you require maintenance by us, the maintenance fee will be added. Also, if there are any missing parts (spare parts) and paid (actual cost) will be added.
Consumables will be charged separately.
The 1977 Southern Railway coach is a 6-car train (not sold separately).
LNER Flying Scotsman (A3) 、JNR96Hokkaido version and K.Bay STS Ptl2/2 (Glaskasten) with Hubner DB cachies and rails are sold out

総重量 Don’t ask us! can't answer any questions 
各種装備 The price has not yet been determined. But prices will vary depending on the extent of the repair requested(Incleased from your expecations). It will be provided after 2025 (But Now,we don't have any time to touch) 
その他スペック すみませんが,現時点で対応している暇がありませんので提供は暇を見てになります。
フライングスコッツマンとグラスカステン 96北海道及びレールとドイツ型客車は売切れました。JNRC62は現在商談中です。なお、ガラット(状態良し)とC56(使い込まれています)は最後に状態の写真を掲載していますが、サムネがグラスホッパとボールドウィンになっていますので注意して下さい(両機種共ありません)またミカドはサザン及びスタンダード共に、要応談(安くなります)です(特に黒は、超お買い得品/現状の儘ならば、です)これ以外に、なんと弊社76年製のサザン鉄道のマークワンコーチ(勿論金属製)が6両編成で、完璧な状態で揃って居ます(但し、ばら売りは出来ません) 
